mercoledì, dicembre 29, 2004

Ruby USB Drive

For Christmas I got a wonderful present: a 1GB USB drive. Now I feel the need to fill it with Ruby goodness, and I am asking you, gentle reader for suggestions about what should go in.

Basically I need a portable development enviroment that can be used with OSX, Linux and Windows. Windows could be bypassed by putting a bootable minimal live distribution on the drive, but then I could find myself on a box that can't boot from a usb drive (I have two of them at home :)).

I was thinking about

  • Reference Documentation: Pickaxe2 PDF (that you too should buy!), rails doumentation, who knows what else

  • An editor for each platform: TextMate (Mac), and don't know what to use on win/linux

  • Ruby in its various forms

  • Everything else. Obviously I don't know or I wouldn't have asked :)

Keep in mind that 1GB should be enough for every ruby developer so suggest everything you have in mind.

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